
Showing posts from August, 2019

Should Science be Simplified?

Scientific publications are written for scientists which indirectly leave out anyone who does not have a scientific education. A good rule of thumb is, if we as scientists cannot explain our research in a simple way then we probably do not fully understand it ourselves. Additionally, part of being a good scientist is thinking about how a particular manuscript, research study, technology, application, etc. can be used beyond the aim of its original purpose. Both the aforementioned points are important; however, seem lacking in the scientific community. A few years ago I had a discussion with a friend, an intellectual individual, who was constantly reading books and had already published his own book. At that time he mentioned that although he reads a lot, he finds it hard to read, comprehend or keep engaged in scientific papers or publications. Paraphrasing, he thought that scientists lived in a bubble, writing only for each other and essentially ignoring the rest of the world. H