
Showing posts from December, 2019

New Year's Resolution

As we approach the New Year we see a range of emotions and actions from people across the globe. Some are happy, some are sad, some will party, some will stay in. Unfortunately, both the happy and sad are being negatively affected by the societal expectations, the culture and traditions. These traditions are in essence influencing our psychology (mind and behavior) in one way or another. The most common posts or reminders we may be seeing during these days are motivational and some will begin to think or list their New Year’s resolutions. In this regard, I wrote a poem (see below) many years ago which I hope will be of benefit, encouragement and motivation to blossom for all who may read it. new year’s resolution... what is the new year except another day yet many disagree and say it's a time to start fresh, from scratch so i say, let's detach ourselves from our bad habits and do that which benefits a resolution, another solution with constant evolution