Cancer Culture – Alcohol

Stimulate Your Mind - Nasser Kashou Prevention is better than a thousand cures. One of the biggest societal ills and in turn a major (possibly the highest) contributor to Cancer Culture is the consumption of alcohol. The toxic and destructive effects of alcohol on society and our bodies is too much to cover in one post. For this reason, we are not going to discuss all the social ills, such as financial, emotional or physical abuse as a direct result of alcohol consumption. Nor will we discuss the deaths caused by drivers who had been consuming alcohol. What we will discuss is the toxic effect of alcohol on our bodies and how this is a major cause of cancer. I will begin by defining a few terms. Carcinogen: a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. Metabolite: an intermediate or end product of metabolism, a chemical. Acetaldehyde: a metabolite of alcohol. Group 1: the highest rating; most dangerous carcinogen. Glioblastoma: a very aggressive type of lethal brain...